IT Blog

Welcome to our IT Blog.

Below you will find technical articles related to the work we do. As we find solutions to issues our customers face, we post some of them here to help the global community!

Solution for Keyboard issue/problem – Apostrophe and Double Quote, Quotation marks, Tilde and Hat do not appear until another key is pressed on Windows 7

Very strange problem at a Sunshine Coast Business IT client where quotes “ and apostrophes ‘ would not display until the client pressed another key. Then this key and the quote or apostrophe would appear on the screen. I did some further testing and the tilde ~ and the hat (is that what it is

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Do I really need IT support for my business? I have someone working for me who helps with that.

Almost every business has a person in-house who is the “go-to” person to solve IT issues. You may even be that person in your business?  What OJ Networks often seen though is that if the issue is a complex one or if there more than just a couple of staff to support, then this person

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Solve Problem with Microsoft Word 2007 Printing Garbled Text – Hieroglyphics – Compressed Printing over the top of one character

This is an interesting one. Word documents in Microsoft Word 2007 appear fine on the screen but when you go to print the document it comes out as garbled text where each character on a line is printed over the top of the first character. These overlapping characters make for a totally unreadable document and

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How do I print from my iPad or iPhone to my existing printer on Windows or Mac?

So you’ve downloaded a webpage, an email or a PDF document from the internet on your iPad or iPhone and you want to print it out on your work or home printer. Of course it isn’t that easy and the printer usually doesn’t automatically appear when you hit print.  At this point you may email

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What to look for in a Sunshine Coast Website Designer?

Got a great idea for a website? Here are some key points to take on board when filtering through the hundreds of choices in web designers. (1) Are they local? Having a great designer in another state or country might seem feasible but in the back and forth of design and implementation – nothing beats

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