IT Blog

Welcome to our IT Blog.

Below you will find technical articles related to the work we do. As we find solutions to issues our customers face, we post some of them here to help the global community!

My house has Wi-Fi dead spots. How can I extend my Wi-Fi signal to cover my whole house?

If you have a multi-storey home or a very long one that is made of concrete, you may find that the Wi-Fi signal from your modem/router doesn’t carry right through the house. This can be frustrating as your mobile devices keep switching back to 3g when they lose the signal. There are a couple of

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Storage on Microsoft Exchange Online Plans is Doubling in Australia – from 25GB to 50GB

Microsoft has announced that it will be doubling the storage provided to 50GB from the current 25GB provided. Most users probably haven’t reached the ceiling of 25GB yet however it makes what is already a very attractive enterprise-grade email solution even better. The mailbox size will be automatically implemented so Exchange Online Users will not

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Increase Receive Limit Exchange 2010 above 10mb – #550 5.2.3 RESOLVER.RST.SendSizeLimit.Org; message too large for this organization ##

When you try to receive mail that is over 10mb into an Exchange 2010 mailbox, the sender may receive this bounce back error. Your Exchange 2010 server may need a few settings changed if you want to receive mail of this size. Due to the way Exchange routes emails we found the following settings helpful

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Cannot see Security (Permissions) tab in Windows XP. Security Tab Does not appear in Folder Properties

If you have a machine still running Windows XP you may be missing the Security Tab when you view the folder properties. This could be for a number of reasons: The drive is in FAT32 instead of NTFS You are running Windows XP Home (it does not feature advanced file sharing with the security tab)

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Just How Much Time and Disk Space is Required to Merge Hyper-v Snapshots back into a VHD Disk? One Example Case.

There is a lot of differing information concerning the disk space required to delete snapshots and have them merge back into the original VHD in a Hyper-v Virtual Machine. Usually these conversations are forum posts where Sys Admins have performed a snapshot on purpose or by accident early on in the Server’s life and are

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